What we offer our clients

Products & Services

Building the next generation data platform

Together with our clients, we build the next generation of data platforms through our comprehensive services and by utilizing our decoupled product solution portfolio.

Our Services

Data modelling

Data storage, processing, and analysis can be a headache. Luckily, we're here to design and build top-notch solutions that make it easy-peasy for you.

System integration

We bring all your tech together. System integration? Think of us as your tech matchmaker.

Platform assesment

Feeling iffy about your analytics setup? Let us give you a second opinion and check things out. our assessment will set you on the right track to data-driven success!

Data governance

We specialize in creating and enforcing policies, procedures, and standards for managing a business's data assets.

Cloud migration

Got a data platform that's stuck in the past? We're the crew to call. From analyzing what's already there to planning, designing, and making the move to the cloud.


We offer education and training services to business professionals on how to design, develop, and implement data solutions.

We believe in creating de-coupled data solutions to strengthen our deliveries and make our clients capable of self service.

Our products in combination with our services enable our clients to selectively choose which capabilities within data and analytics they want to strengthen.

Data Governance
Knowledge &
Self Service
Analytical model
Reporting & Visualization
Data Quality
Security &
Infrastructure & Automation

Our Products

Our products are designed to be de-coupled from each other and can be used in various ways to create the data platform you need. Whether you are improving an existing platform, building one from scratch, centralizing or decentralizing your data, our products are built to help you in every situation.


Sidekick removes the routine data modelling work and allowing you to focus solely on transformation logic.

API Extractor

API Extractor provides a standardized and user-friendly approach to extracting data from any source using APIs.

DB Extractor

DB Extractor simplifies database extraction by providing an efficient and streamlined process for pulling data from any database.


DataSpine offers a clear and structured approach to moving data from its source to a final state as high-quality, usable data through the bronze-silver-gold process.


MetaFlow simplifies the process of bringing metadata from one environment to another by enabling users to do so as code, rather than through data transfer or manual code execution.

Azure Cost Guard

Azure Cost Guard presents all Azure costs across subscriptions in a single Power BI report, allowing you to easily identify and shut down unnecessary costs.

GDPR Vault

GDPR Vault showcases various GDPR-compliant methods for managing data in a warehouse environment.

SQL Mailer

SQL mailer provides a way to easily create email notifications based on data stored on a SQL server.

FTP Tooler

FTP tooler exposes an API to ingest data from an FTPs server to Azure blob storage.


Spotlight provides an interface to efficiently manage data records and expose them through an API.

Tabular Extractor

Tabular extractor enables insights to tabular data sources by extracting metadata about the database and models to Azure blob storage.


CodeFlow AI combines AI and LLM with your codebase for intelligent assistance in daily tech workflows.

Interested in learning more?

Reach out to us

The technologies behind our products

Our products utilize a variety of technologies such as Databricks, Analysis Services, Power Apps, Azure DevOps, Logic App, Power BI, Synapse, and Function Apps, among many others.

Coming soon:

We have something exciting to share with all of you

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+45 6195 6740

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When you want to stop by

H.C. Andersens Boulevard 38, 1th, 1553 København V